Slow Brain vs. Fast Brain
There are two sides to everything that you do.
You can vary the speed at which you do something which means that you ever use your slow brain when you’re doing something slow and slow train deals with reasoning and conscious thinking.
When you do something fast to utilizing your fast brain fast brain is for intuition and fuel based thinking and for patterns and unconscious thinking. We’d find a way to make both work together, because most people only utilize one thing. In ideas from intuition, in details from reasoning, to how to improve your intuition.
Pick a problem redistribution and create a mental map of problem components.
Thinking there are many ways in which this applies.
You can read fast, utilize speed reading to get things into your head and you can utilize slow reading what’s the difference? If you read fast, then you can know what it’s about. But you’re not spending time thinking about anything else. If you read slow who get a feel for the structure, you understand how the way the author writes you what other ways that it can go slow about or fast about