Google SDK for building cross platform apps.
- Dart Language
- Flutter is single threaded and runs on an event loop, similar to Node
Getting Started
- Setup dependencies
sudo pacman -S flutter
sudo yay -S flutter
# install android-studio
- Check for missing dependencies with
flutter doctor -v
- Disable Google Analytics Reports with
flutter config --no-analytics
- Add current user to flutter users with
sudo gpasswd -a $USER flutterusers
- or if that doesn’t work
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /opt/flutter
- or if that doesn’t work
- Update to the latest version with
flutter upgrade
- Download flutter dev dependencies
flutter upgrade
Chrome executable not found
# set chrome executable for arch
export CHROME_EXECUTABLE=google-chrome-stable
Missing sdkmanager
Install the Android SDK Command-Line Tools
using the Android Studio
SDK-Manager. Then accept the licenses with:
flutter doctor --android-licenses
Learned Concepts
- Flutter Stateless Widgets
- Flutter Stateful Widgets
- Flutter Inherited Widgets
- Flutter Keys
- Flutter Isolates for proper Multithreading
- Flutter Async for non-blocking synchronous Work
Best Practises
Prefer creating new Widgets over using helper methods
Extracting common functionality into a new Widgets has following benefits:
- Isolating redrawing of UI changes to the current Widgets
- Prefer const constructors wherever possible to enable short circuiting
- Making the component more easily Testable
- Avoids stale build contexts Source: Youtube