

React Hooks

  • any function starting with “use”, is called a Hook.
  • it’s helpful to think of them as unconditional declarations about your component’s needs.
  • Can only be called in top level functions


useEffect(() => {}) runs on every render useEffect(() => {}, []) only runs once after component has been mounted useEffect(() => {}, [...deps]) runs whenever any deps changes

  • You can also specify a cleanup function which runs when it unmounts
useEffect(() => {
  return () => { // cleanup stuff }
}, [...deps])

React Props / Prop Drilling React Forms React Fragment React Query

React State Management

  • State: A Component’s Memory – React
  • Custom State Management in CSWE-03
  • State is isolated & private: if you render the same component twice, each copy will have completely isolated state
  • [state, setState] = useState()

React Memo for Memoization React Portals React Refs React Error Boundaries


# create typescript react app
npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript