Scientific Research

Notes on how to do research, workflow and tools I find useful.

Research Process

Stick to doing one thing at a time. Separate different types of work on each weekday (finding papers on Monday, annotating papers on Tuesday, outlining on Wednesday, writing on Thursday, organize on Saturday, do nothing on Sunday)


  • I use Zotero for refence management
    • Zotero allows tagging documents, automatic meta-data collection and has built in PDF highlighting.
    • Use the Firefox Zotero Import Plugin to add PDFs to your Zotero Collection with 1 click
    • Add the Zotero Plugin BetterBibTex Plugin for exporting a collection to a .bib file
    • You can also store the Zotero papers in your Nextcloud via WebDav
  • I use Obsidian for writing the Structure and Outlining
    • use Obsidian Zotero Integration plugin to import annotations into a Literature Note
