Easily donate without country barriers through crypto.
- Live Site ChainDon | Transparent donation platform
- ProductHunt ChainDon - Empower Change, Donate with Crypto
- User Dashboard (NextJS & Tailwind)
- Admin Dashboard (Qwik)
- API (NestJS)
- Database (MongoDB)
- Blockchain (Ethereum, Hardhat)
Development Work
- Sign in with Metamask, Coinbase and other wallets
- Frontend/Backend Integration to Blockchain using Ethers
- Blockchain Transactions fetched using Etherscan API
- Admin Dashboard developed with Qwik
- API developed with NestJS
- On-premise Database using MongoDB
- E2E Testing with Cypress and Synpress
- Blockchain
- Self-hosted Blockchain for local & DEV environment
- Deployment to Sepolia Blockchain Testnet on QA
- Mainnet Ethereum Blockchain on PROD
- Infura used as Blockchain service provider
- Gitlab CI for Continuous Integration
- Multiple Environments: DEV, QA & PROD
- Dynamic Environment Deployment from any branch
- Tools
- Mattermost for communication
- Confluence for documentation
- Jira for project & task management
- Gitlab for version control