Obsidian Neighbouring Files Plugin
Open Source Obsidian Plugin to navigate files more efficiently. (>3.5k Downloads)
- Code GitHub: FabianUntermoser/obsidian-neighbouring-files-plugin
- With Typescript, Docker, Github Actions
- Open Source Project
ChainDon - Web3 Donation Plattform
Easily donate without country barriers through crypto.
- University - Master project
- Website ChainDon | Transparent donation platform
- ProductHunt ChainDon
- NextJS, NestJS, Ethers, Ethereum, Hardhat, Docker Compose, Gitlab CI
SolarAssets - Web3 Investment Plattform
Invest in solar energy projects and earn recurring profits from power sold back to the grid.
- University - Master project
- SolarAssets | Micro-Investments in Photovoltaic Projects
- ProductHunt SolarAssets
- NextJS, NestJS, Ethers, Ethereum, Solidity, Hardhat, Docker Compose, Gitlab CI
Stockis Destillerie
E-Commerce shop for local destillery
- Website Stockis Destillerie with Wordpress
- E-Commerce shop with WooCommerce and Elementor
- Online Payments with Stripe.
Home Lab
My home server and nas setup
- Synology NAS
- HL Dell Poweredge Server
My Sway configuration
- Repo dot-files
Master Thesis - Machine Learning Reproducabillity
Impact of Deep Learning Framework Selection and Hyperparam- eter Optimisation on Reproducibility in Machine Learning Exper- iments
- Master Thesis for University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg, Austria.
- Paper with 69 pages
- Machine Learning Reproducability Experiments
- Survey popular ML framework
- Training of 16 models
SEDSH - Machine Learning Ambient Sound Event Detection
Detect and classify sound in smart homes using data collected through microphones, to recognize activities and detect anomalies to aid carers in households that require constant supervision.
- Research project in Sweden
- Machine Learning, DCASE, Tensorflow, Conda, Linux Server, Raspberry Pi
Paragliding Website
- Custom Website Eagle Eye Paragliding
OmniDoc - Automated Network Scan & Documentation Tool
Web application for automatic SNMP network scanning and auto generation of documentation with map and graph based visualizations.
- School - Diploma thesis
- JavaEE, PrimeFaces, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, SNMP
MeloDealer - Remote Speaker Control
Android application for remote controlling bluetooth speakers featuring pairing and wifi setup, sending music files for offline playing and radio streaming.
- School - Diploma thesis
- Java, Android, Concurrency, SSH, UI & UX