What’s Scoop?
Package manager for windows. See GitHub.
Getting Started
# set execution policy to allow execution of remote scripts
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
# install scoop
iwr -useb get.scoop.sh | iex
# add other buckets
scoop install git
scoop bucket add extras
scoop bucket add java
# update all installed programs
scoop update *
# remove old versions
scoop cleanup -k
# essentials
scoop install git sudo curl
scoop install gow # gow (GNU on windows)
scoop install altdrag autohotkey greenshot
scoop install starship # shell prompt
scoop install fzf ripgrep
scoop install neovim
scoop install notepadplusplus
# misc
scoop install keepassxc
scoop install redshift
scoop install vlc
scoop install ditto # clipboard tool
scoop install screentogif
scoop install syncthing syncthingtray
scoop install powertoys # windows power user features
scoop install obsidian
scoop install spotify
scoop install obs-studio
scoop install Capture2Text # ocr tool
scoop install mitmproxy
# developer IDEs
scoop install vscode
scoop install jetbrains-toolbox
# developer tooling
scoop install maven gradle
scoop install nodejs-lts yarn
scoop install kubectl helm openshift-origin-client
scoop install insomnia postman
scoop install docker docker-machine docker-compose
# developer specifics
scoop install temurin8-jdk temurin11-jdk
# mongodb
scoop install robo3t
scoop install mongodb
# postgres
scoop install postgresql
Install Nerd Fonts
scoop bucket add nerd-fonts
scoop install JetBrains-Mono
Switching Java Versions with Scoop
scoop reset temurin11-jdk
scoop reset temurin8-jdk