Domain Driven Design Starter Modelling Process

4 Phases

  • Align & Understand
  • Strategic Architecture
  • Strategy & Org Design
  • Tactical Architecture

8 Steps

  1. Understand: Align our focus with the organisation’s business model, the needs of its users, and its short, medium, and long-term goals.
  1. Discover: Discover the domain visually and collaboratively.
  1. Decompose: Decompose the domain into sub-domains - loosely-coupled parts of the domain.
  • carve up your event storm into sub-domains and Context Maps.
  • The Boundext Context is a linguistic boundary around the meaning of a (domain) model
  • In an ideal world, we want to align Subdomains and Bounded Contexts
  1. Strategize: Map out your sub-domains to identify core domains: the parts of the domain which have the greatest potential for business differentiation or strategic significance.
  1. Connect: Connect the sub-domains into a loosely-coupled architecture that fulfill business use-cases
  1. Organise: Align teams with context boundaries
  1. Define: Define the roles and responsibilities of each bounded context.
  • Start with Bounded Context Canvas or the C4 Model System Context Diagram.
  1. Code: Code the Domain Model

From ddd-crew/ddd-starter-modelling-process: If you’re new to DDD and not sure where to start, this process will guide you step-by-step