Trunk Based Development
Proven and more effective way of Software Development in Teams.
- Continously integrate small chunks to the main branch
- Avoid long lived branches
- Merge multiple times per day
- LIM Learnings
- State of DevOPS Report
How to Work in Small Chunks?
- Start Development at the service or API layer. This allows you to merge changes back into Trunk without the User seeing a change. Enabling Dark Launching.
- Slice Features so that they can be completed in a week max.
- Break down work into chunks that can be completed in a few hours. See INVEST Principle. Source: Google Cloud
Branching Strategies
Branch by Release: Branching of shortly before a realease is one of the only acceptable reasons to branch
Poor Branching Strategy
Better Branching Strategy
Taken from 2010 - Farley - Continuous Delivery.pdf, p.391