Setup Nerd-dictation
Experimenting with Offline Text to Speech tools
- Install ✅ 2025-03-08
- Waybar module to start ✅ 2025-03-08
- Doesnt always work as expected. tryout if moonshine works better GitHub: usefulsensors/moonshine: Fast and accurate automatic speech recognition (ASR) for edge devices
Sway Waybar Module
Start/Stop Nerd-dication from waybar
"custom/nerd-dictation": {
"interval": 100,
"format": "{} DICT",
"exec": "test -f /tmp/nerd-dictation.state && echo ● || echo ○",
"on-click": "touch /tmp/nerd-dictation.state; nerd-dictation resume; pkill -RTMIN+5 waybar",
"on-click-right": "rm /tmp/nerd-dictation.state; nerd-dictation suspend; pkill -RTMIN+5 waybar",
From GitLab: feat(waybar): nerd-dictation status bar (194ee956) · Commits · Fabian Untermoser / dot-file