
  • Vim, Git
  • ssh, Rsync, scp
  • Shell, Bash, Zsh
  • find, FZF, ripgrep
  • AWK, sed
  • Autorun commands on file changes with entr
  • Parse JSON from the Shell jq
    • convert output of standard unix tools to JSON with jc
    • Parse YAML from the Shell with yq


Basic Commands

Noteworthy Shell Commands

shredsecure delete file from disk by overwriting file
zcat, zgrep, zdiffwork directly with compressed files
locate -i {pattern}find file from pattern from updatedb database
truedo nothing, successfully
aspellspell checking in the terminal
man -k zathuralist all zathura man pages
gnuplotplotting with cli
inxi -Fxzget system information
XVFBrun virtual X session on headless devices
yesavoid interactive programs
upinteractive pipe plumbing
scriptrecord shell script session
scriptreplayreplay recorded script
less +Ffollow files (use instead of tail -f)
whatisdisplay one-line manual page descriptions
approprossearch the manual page names and descriptions
proxychainsforce TCP connections through SOCKS proxy
blkidlist drive and partition types
lsblk -d -o name,rotacheck if disk is SSD (0) or HDD (1)

Noteworthy Tools

vifmvim like file manager
vimivvim like image viewer
Mastodonopen source slack alternative
mitmproxyMan in the middle proxy
luastatusPolybar alternative

Tools to Checkout

tcslow down brothers network speed
ngrepgrep for network
tcpdumpshow me packets on a port
tsharkcmdline packet analysis
tcpflowcapture & assemble TCP streams
mitmproxyspy on SSL connectinos your programs are making
pofidentify OS of hosts connecting to you
netstat/ss/lsof/fuserwhat ports are servers using
nftablesnewer iptables
hping3construct any TCP packet you want
traceroute/mtrwhat servers are on the way to that server?
tcptracerouteuse tcp packets instead of icmp to traceroute
ethtoolmanage physical ethernet connections & network cards
iw/iwconfigmanage wireless network settings
systctlconfigure linux kernel network stack
stunnelmake a SL proxy for an insecure server
iptraf/nethogs/iftop/ntopsee what’s using bandwidth
ab/nload/iperfbenchmarking tools
python3 -m http.serverserve files from a dir
ipcalccalculate ip’s
nsenterenter a container process’s network namespace
sdmodern sed replacement
fdmodern find replacement
skopeocontainer inspection tool