Windows 11

Bypass Microsoft Account Setup

  • Do windows 11 setup until it asks for Account
  • Press Shift+F10 to open cmd.
  • Deactivate Network Adapter through Powershell
cmd> powershell
psh> Disable-NetAdapter -Name "Adapter Name" -Confirm:$false
psh> exit
  • Bypass & reboot
cmd> oobe\bypassnro
  • Now after reboot you should be able to skip the account setup

Bypass TPM Check in Windows 11 Installation ISO

  1. Boot from installation ISO
  2. Proceed to Install screen where it checks the requirements
  3. Press Shift+F10
  4. Open regedit.exe
  5. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup
  6. Right click create new Key called LabConfig
  7. Create the DWORDS and enable them (set value to 1)
  • BypassTPMCheck
  • BypassRAMCheck
  • BypassSecureBootCheck
  1. Retry requirements check screen